MMD User Manual for Miss AoV 'WAVE' Skin Series

2021-10-28 21:34:13

Dear Players,

We have released the special edition (2021) Skin Series WaVe for Miss AoV, together with the music video for the title song 'Ride On'.

At the same time, Timi Studio also brings the MMD model of the 4 charming girls in WaVe (referred to as 'the model' in the following texts) for people who are fond of them and enjoy making derivative work out of it! 


When you use the model to produce your derivative work, please follow the rules below: 

● Please do not make any profit out of the derivative work using the model, or use the model on behalf of any company.

● Please consciously abide by domestic law and regulations, the rules of publishing platforms, and other related rules not mentioned here.

● You can modify parts of the model such as the base, the face, UV, etc.; but you should not use the model or any parts of it to modify other MMD models.

● Please avoid using the model to generate contents that:

◆ are anti-social, or contrary to public order and morality;

◆ are with pornography, blood, horror, and other objectionable content;

◆ are the promotion of any ideological/religious, religious, or political content;

◆ damage the image of Arena of Valor, Timi Studios, and the publisher of the game;

◆ damage the reputation and dignity of third parties and infringes the rights of third parties;

◆ could be misinterpreted as official output.

We also reserve the right to require removing any contents that are regarded as inappropriate even if it’s the case that is not listed here. 

Besides, please note that your work could be recommended by our official accounts or exhibit in other official released contents/official platforms. 

Timi Studio reserves the right of final interpretation.